October 31st 2003, CAC minutes Minutes of the CAC Council meeting held on the 31st October 2003. cac-archive-2003-23.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [816.7 KB]
October 2003, CAC to Owens To Dr Tuppy Owens of the Sexual Freedom Coalition about various matters. cac-archive-2003-21.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [260.0 KB]
September 29th 2003, Towet Hamlets to CAC From Tower Hamlets borough in response to CAC letter of the 20th September 2003. cac-archive-2003-20.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [545.7 KB]
September 20th 2003, CAC to Tower Hamlets To Tower Hamlets borough about prosecution of Images nightclub. cac-archive-2003-19.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [709.5 KB]
September 1st 2003, Granda TV to CAC From Granada TV in response to CAC letter of the 23rd August 2003. cac-archive-2003-17.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [259.0 KB]
August 23rd 2003, CAC to Granada To Granada TV about censorship to an episode of You've Been Framed programme. cac-archive-2003-16.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [845.8 KB]
August 12th 2003, Granada to Taha From Granada TV to CAC council member Mark Taha about cuts to film Grease. cac-archive-2003-15.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [436.0 KB]
July 10th 2003, CAC to Owens To Dr Tuppy Owens of the Sexual Freedom Coalition about various matters including censorship. cac-archive-2003-14.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [600.8 KB]
April 28th 2003, Home Office to CAC From Home Office's Criminal Law Policy Unit (sic) in response to CAC letter of the 27th March 2003. cac-archive-2003-11.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [722.4 KB]
March 27th 2003, CAC to Home Office To the Home Office's Sentencing & Offences Unit about aspects of the Sexual Offences Bill. cac-archive-2003-10.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [612.5 KB]
February 18th 2003, Davies to CAC From Chris Davies MEP about prostitution. cac-archive-2003-8.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [587.3 KB]
February 15th 2003, CAC to IoC To Index on Censorship noting an error in a publication. cac-archive-2003-7.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [505.2 KB]
February 11th 2003, Home Office to CAC From the Home Office in response to 1st February 2003 letter about Sexual Offences Bill. cac-archive-2003-6.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [532.0 KB]
February 1st 2003, CAC to Benn To Hilary Benn MP about Sexual Offences Bill. cac-archive-2003-5.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [553.3 KB]
n/k 2003, CAC to Davies To Chris Davies MEP praising him for remarks about prostitution. cac-archive-2003-4.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [502.8 KB]