November 20th 2010, CAC to Guardian To The Guardian about Lady Chatterley's Lover. cac-archive-2010-20.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [243.9 KB]
November 20th 2010, CAC to BBC To BBC History Magazine congratulating them on an article on Victorian censorship. cac-archive-2010-19.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [256.1 KB]
November 12th 2010 CAC minutes Minutes of the CAC Council meeting held on the 12th November 2010 CAC minutes, November 2010.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [4.0 MB]
November 5th 2010, CAC to CPM To the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister concerning a recent CAC submission. cac-archive-2010-17.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [457.0 KB]
October 22nd 2010, DPM to CAC From the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister acknowledging receipt of CAC submission. cac-archive-2010-16.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [424.4 KB]
October 4th 2010, DPM to CAC From the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister acknowledging receipt of CAC submission. cac-archive-2010-15.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [211.5 KB]
September 26th 2010, CAC to Clegg To Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP accompanying the CAC's contribution to law reform consultation. cac-archive-2010-12.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [162.1 KB]
August 2010, CAC to Davies To Chris Davies MP about reforming laws on prostitution. cac-archive-2010-9.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [162.9 KB]
August 13th 2010, CAC to Clegg To Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP about legal reform for a less intrusive society. cac-archive-2010-8.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [231.8 KB]
June 20th 2010, CAC to Milliband To Ed Milliband MP about lap-dancing venues. cac-archive-2010-7.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [470.9 KB]
May 2010, CAC/SFC This appears to be minutes of a Sexual Freedom Coalition meeting attended by a representative of CAC who filed them with CAC as record. CAC is affiliated to SFC. cac-archive-2010-6.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [578.7 KB]
March 23rd 2010, LC to CAC From Law Commission about laws on public nuisance and outraging public decency. march-23-2010.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [535.1 KB]
February 16th 2010, CAC to Harman To Harriet Harman MP about advertising by prostitutes. cac-archive-2010-5.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [210.8 KB]
February 16th 2010, CAC to Bird To Vera Baird QC MP about advertising by prostitutes. cac-archive-2010-4.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [537.6 KB]
January 15th 2010, Tate to CAC From Tate Modern Gallery in response to CAC letter of the 1st January 2010. cac-archive-2010-3.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [535.4 KB]
January 1st 2010, CAC to Tate To Tate Modern Gallery about removal of Brooke Shields photo from exhibition. cac-archive-2010-2.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [476.1 KB]
January 1st 2010, CAC to Eros To Eros Association, Australia, about proposed Internet filter. cac-archive-2010-1.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [233.0 KB]