December 3rd 2012, Blunt to CAC From Crispin Blunt MP about voting rights for prisoners. CAC_archive_2012_3_December.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [537.6 KB]
November 23rd 2012, CAC to Khan To Sadiq Khan MP about voting rights for prisoners. CAC_archive_2012_23_November.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [184.4 KB]
October 31st 2012, CAC to DPP To the Director of Public Prosecutions about guidelines on Facebook and Twitter usage. cac-archive-2012-19.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [523.6 KB]
October 29th 2012, CAC to MoJ To the Ministry of Justice in response to their letter of the 24th October 2012 about "extreme pornography". cac-archive-2012-18.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [603.1 KB]
October 24th 2012, MoJ to CAC From the Ministry of Justice (sic) in response to the CAC's letter of the 16th September 2012 to the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport. cac-archive-2012-17.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
October 16th 2012, CAC memo CAC Chair E. Goodman reporting an appearance on Voice of Russia radio about proposed guidelines on Twitter usage. cac-archive-2012-16.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [539.4 KB]
September 16th 2012, CAC to DCMS To Maria Miller MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport, about possession of "extreme pornography" and the Criminal Justice & Immigration Act 2008. cac-archive-2012-15.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [566.4 KB]
March 23rd 2012, CPS to CAC From the Crown Prosecution Service (sic) in response to the CAC's letter to the DPP of the 20th March 2012. cac-archive-2012-11.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [458.6 KB]
March 20th 2012, CAC to DPP To the Director of Public Prosecutions about obscenity and the Michael Peacock trial. cac-archive-2012-10.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [270.5 KB]
March 8th 2012, BBFC to CAC From the British Board of Film Classification in response to the CAC's letter of the 3rd March 2012. cac-archive-2012-9.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [260.0 KB]
March 3rd 2012, CAC to BBFC To British Board of Film Classification about R18 guidelines and the Michael Peacock trial. cac-archive-2012-8.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [155.5 KB]
March 3rd 2012, CAC to Portsmouth To Portsmouth Council about licensing of lap-dancing establishments. cac-archive-2012-7.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [551.6 KB]
March 2012, Taha & Goodman to Freethinker Letters by CAC Council members Mark Taha (freedom of speech) and E. Goodman (priestly celabacy) to The Freethinker. cac-archive-2012-6.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [565.5 KB]
January 23rd 2012, Davies to CAC From Philip Davies MP in response to the CAC's letter of the 14th January 2012. cac-archive-2012-3.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [246.9 KB]
January 14th 2012, CAC to Davies To Philip Davies MP applauding his "they can switch their television off" approach to advocates of censorship. cac-archive-2012-2.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [431.8 KB]
January 2012, Taha to Freethinker Letter from CAC Council member Mark Taha to The Freethinker about freedom of speech. cac-archive-2012-1_Redacted.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [6.1 MB]