December 14th 2011, Norwich to CAC From Norwch City Council in response to CAC letter of the 3rd December 2011 about change-of-use planning application. cac-archive-2011-23.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [460.7 KB]
December 3rd 2011, CAC to Norwich To Norwich City Council Planning Committee about Qube Bar. cac-archive-2011-22.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [432.5 KB]
November 29th 2011, CAC to Enfield To Cllr Chris Bond of the London Borough of Enfield about lap-dancing clubs. cac-archive-2011-20.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [436.3 KB]
November 4th 2011, CAC to SfaBoR CAC submission to the Secretariat for a Bill Of Rights. cac-archive-2011-19.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [621.7 KB]
October 18th 2011, CAC to Boff To Andrew Boff MLA about brothels and prostitution. cac-archive-2011-18.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [560.9 KB]
September 30th 2011, CAC agenda Agenda for the CAC Council meeting scheduled for the 30th September 2011. cac-archive-2011-17.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [493.8 KB]
July 26th 2011, DCMS to CAC From the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in response to the CAC letter of the 20th June 2011 to Ian Mearns MP about the Girls Gone Wild show. cac-archive-2011-16.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [649.6 KB]
21st July 2011, HO to CAC From the Home Office in response to CAC letter to Ian Mearns MP of the 20th June 2011. cac-archive-2011-15.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [229.8 KB]
June 20th 2011, CAC to Mearns To lan Mearns MP about his Early Day Motion about Girls Gone Wild show. cac-archive-2011-12.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [128.7 KB]
May 24th 2011, CAC to Guardian To Guardian newspaper about the use of swearing and children. cac-archive-2011-11.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [474.6 KB]
May 19th 2011, CAC to TNT Lengthy response to Tom Sturrock of TNT Magazine about the influence of violence on the reader/viewer. cac-archive-2011-10_Redacted.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [6.8 MB]
April 12th 2011, CAC to London To City of London Licensing Committee about lap-dancing venues. cac-archive-2011-9.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [434.6 KB]
April 8th 2011, CAC Memo From CAC Chair E. Goodman about his interview with BBC Radio Lancashire about Royal Mail decision to prevent use of "cheeky" postcards. cac-archive-2011-8.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [158.0 KB]
March 29th 2011, DCMS to CAC From Department for Culture, Media and Sport in response to the CAC's letter to Jeremy Hunt MP of the 15th February 2011. cac-archive-2011-7.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [898.7 KB]
February 15th 2011, CAC to Hunt To Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Culture, about blocking computer access to adult sites. cac-archive-2011-6.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [626.5 KB]
February 1st 2011, CAC report From CAC Secretary Mary Hayward about a meeting of Onscenity (sic) a group interested in attempts to regulate sexual behaviour, either real or fictional. cac-archive-2011-5.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [689.8 KB]
January 21st 2011, CAC to Owens To Dr Tuppy Owens of the Sexual Freedom Coalition on matters of mutual relevance. cac-archive-2011-2_Redacted.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
January 4th 2011, Attwood to CAC From Feona Attwood about a seminar on sex and regulation at the British Academy. cac-archive-2011-4.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [548.2 KB]