2015 Archive

December 3rd 2015, CAC to Ministerial Support Team
To Ministerial Support Team about the British Board of Film Classification.
Adobe Acrobat document [742.2 KB]
December 3rd 2015, CAC to DCMS
To Department for Culture, Media & Sport in reply to theirs of the 23rd November correcting them about their reference to Audiovisual Media Services Regulations: it was about the Human Rights Act.
Adobe Acrobat document [514.2 KB]
November 23rd 2015, DCMS to CAC
From Department for Culture, Media & Sport about the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
November 18th 2015, CAC to CFI
To Independent Commission on Freedom of Information about the Republic of Ireland Act.
Adobe Acrobat document [401.8 KB]
November 5th 2015, CAC to Secretary of State
To Secretary of State for Culture about the activities of the BBFC and the Human Rights Act.
Adobe Acrobat document [395.2 KB]
November 5th 2015, CAC to ASA
To Advertising Standards Authority about banning of an advert for Australian wine.
Adobe Acrobat document [356.9 KB]
October 20th 2015, BBFC to CAC
From British Board of Film Classification refusing to enter into further correspondence on certain matters!
Adobe Acrobat document [341.7 KB]
October 6th 2015, CAC to BBFC
To British Board of Film Classification about their apparent failure to reply to previous correspondence.
Adobe Acrobat document [322.6 KB]
August 12th, 2015, CAC to BBFC
To the British Board of Film Classification about the prohibition, allegedly contravening the Human Rights Act, of the depiction of lawful activities.
Adobe Acrobat document [495.2 KB]
July 24th 2015, BBFC to CAC
From British Board of Film Classification about R18 film classification guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [456.7 KB]
July 13th 2015, CAC to BBFC
To British Board of Film Classification about R18 film classification guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [422.0 KB]
July 1st 2015, BBFC to CAC
From British Board of Film Classification about their guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [346.5 KB]
July 1st 2015, BBFC to CAC
From British Board of Film Classification about R18 film classification guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [243.1 KB]
June 25th 2015, CAC to BBFC
To British Board of Film Classification about R18 film classification guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [456.6 KB]
June 4th 2015, ATVOD to CAC
From Authority for Television On Demand about their guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [995.3 KB]
May 28th 2015, ATVOD to CAC
From Authority for Television On Demand about their guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [431.0 KB]
May 20th 2015, ATVOD to CAC
From Authority for Television On Demand about their guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [452.5 KB]
May 16th 2015, CAC to ATVOD
To Authority for Television On Demand about their enforcement guidelines.
Adobe Acrobat document [451.7 KB]
March 26th 2015, ICO to CAC
From Information Commissioners Office about a CAC Freedom of Information request about the British Board of Film Classification.
Adobe Acrobat document [636.8 KB]
March 13th 2015, BBFC to CAC
From British Board of Film Classification about a CAC Freedom of Information request.
Adobe Acrobat document [282.3 KB]
March 3rd 2015, BBFC to CAC
From British Board of Film Classification about a CAC Freedom of Information request.
Adobe Acrobat document [600.3 KB]
March 3rd, 2015, BBFC to CAC
From the British Board of Film Classification about prohibited material and the R18 category.
march-3-2015-bbfc to CAC.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [581.1 KB]
March 3rd 2015, CAC to Haldane
To Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers about non-discussion of Audiomedia Visual Services Regulations 2014.
Adobe Acrobat document [169.9 KB]
February 11th 2015, CAC to BSkyB
To BSkyB about pixilation of breasts in TV news report.
Adobe Acrobat document [127.6 KB]
January 29th 2015, Cameron to CAC
From the Direct Communications Unit of 10 Downing Street about freedom of speech in the UK.
Adobe Acrobat document [234.0 KB]
January 19 2015, CAC to Watson
To Tom Watson MP about the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations.
Adobe Acrobat document [426.5 KB]
January 16th 2015, ATVOD to CAC
From ATVOD about websites financed by credit card payment.
Adobe Acrobat document [439.4 KB]
January 14th 2015, CAC to Cameron
To the Prime Minister David Cameron MP about freedom of expression in the UK following Mr Cameron's marching in support of same in Paris. With reference to the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations.
Adobe Acrobat document [490.7 KB]
January 9th 2015, CAC to FAC
To Feminists Against Censorship about BBFC rules on what can and cannot be included in British videos and DVDs.
Adobe Acrobat document [246.5 KB]
January 1st 2015, CAC to ATVOD
From CAC about "protecting children".
Adobe Acrobat document [469.5 KB]

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